Cloud Application Features

The Mvine Cyber-Secure Platform comes with a range of modules and features, each of which can be configured and combined according to your needs. The common theme being to bring people, content, data, processes and applications together centrally and securely.

Welcome to the Digital Workplace of tomorrow. Available today. We call it Mspaces.

Communication Icon

Communicate Better

Mvine provide many opportunities to keep everyone informed, alerted and connected.



Every Mspace can have a 'News' tab which can be private to just members or made available to the public side of your web site. In addition, external feeds can be added directly into an Mspace such as Twitter, RSS and Facebook feeds

Email Alerts

Email Alerts

Users can receive email alerts on the latest activities from their Mspaces without having to login to check whats new. In addition, users can manage the alert frequency by area, allowing the user to get alerted on what they want, when they want it.

Secure Instant Messaging

Secure Instant Messaging

Customers demand rapid business solutions which are delivered in ways which suit them. With Instant Messaging they have privileged access to support staff. Online presence makes the support contact’s availability highly visible.

SMS Alerts

SMS Alerts

An addition to the email alerting function, any action, update, notification can be alerted via an SMS message. Each user also has the ability to manage the frequency of alerts.

Push Notifications

Push Notifications

Users receive notifications when something is changed in their Mspace (e.g. a new piece of content is added). A user can change their notification settings in their profile.

Live Updates

Live Updates

Content is often overlooked in email inboxes. The platform allows companies to update and listen to their customers in real time with what is effectively a private ‘Twitter’ style feed, keeping discussions in a single place and highly visible.

Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing can be added to any Mspace, allowing for secure and authenticated video conference calls to be made.

Jobs, Classified and Discussion Boards

Jobs, Classified and Discussion Boards

The platform has an 'Element' builder, a 'tab' or 'function' that can be included in an Mspace. One such element is a classified, jobs boards.



Each Mspace can have its own blog, allowing all active members to share information securely whilst reducing email overload and the need to manage distribution lists.



Each Mspace has the ability to provide a simple diary function consisting of date, time and description. In addition, Mvine has a fully functioning Events Module with a range of features including: event date, time, description, location, sunrise time and date, link to Google map, add to Outlook, booking forms, attachments, number of seats, count down, show images of attendees, pricing, email communications with attendees, those not sure, those not attending.

Live Presence

Who's Online/Live Presence

The Mvine Live Presence module can be configured to share user presence from everyone to everyone to just those within your Mspaces.

Comment ID Tagging

Comment ID Tagging

Adding comment tagging, increases the ability for collaboration to go viral.

Useful Links

Useful Links

Each Mspace can also have a 'useful links' element. An area which surfaces useful websites for the Mspace user.

Data Feeds

Data Feeds

Utilizing the Mvine API, you can securely draw in feeds of content, data, information across organisational borders and re-publish and or re-render them directly to the relevant teams. Such feeds can be made visible in users or Mspace dashboards.

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