Mobile Connect

A new standard in digital authentication, Mobile Connect will help mobile operators to manage consumers digital identities across multiple online services, ranging from access to content and services on the web through to more secure e-government and banking services.

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Simply by matching the user to their mobile phone, Mobile Connect allows them to log-in to websites and applications quickly without the need to remember passwords and usernames. It’s safe, secure and no personal information is shared without permission.

Mvine’s One Cyber-Secure Platform: Mobile Connect

In under 1 minute, this video explains for you a key aspect of Mvine’s One Cyber-Secure Platform from a business perspective. This video looks at the use case of Mobile Connect.

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Physical digital

Source: GSMA

We all have too many usernames and passwords and each time we access a new high value service, we typically, have to prove – yet again - who we are, and to manage yet another username and password! The situation is becoming unmanageable and untenable in terms of privacy, simplicity, efficiency and security.

Mobile Connect is a secure universal log-in solution. Simply by matching the user to their mobile phone, Mobile Connect allows them to log-in to websites and applications quickly without the need to remember passwords and usernames. It’s safe, secure and no personal information is shared without permission.

The digital age has led to an unprecedented level of access to information and services. However, access to such information and services often requires the user to sign-up to websites and applications, resulting in the need to remember user names and passwords. With such a high proportion of users forgetting log-in details, there is a need for a secure solution that bypasses the issue of forgetting passwords, thereby keeping the user engaged.



The Mobile Connect Accelerator (MCX) is a cloud-based managed service, designed to help operators implement Mobile Connect in an easy and fast manner. The service circumvents the need for operators to spend time and resources finding appropriate compliant platforms by themselves. Currently there are only 9 companies that can enable easy integration with the operators’ mobile networks so that users of any mobile network offering Mobile Connect can log in and authenticate any application.

Mobile Connect

Mobile Connect

A Mobile Connect Vendor is a company who has a product or number of products which are Mobile Connect compliant, and has therefore been appointed a Mobile Connect Vendor under our licence agreement. Currently only 22 companies are now signed up as Mobile Connect Vendor.

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